Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Dash Robot Lessons and VR Technology - Week 22

CN Elementary Teaching Team:

Here are a few highlights from this week:
Week 22 (February 3 – February 7)
Thursday Giggles:                 Why didn’t the orange win the race?
It ran out of juice.

Robots. Here is the PDF file that showcases my initial lesson and 60+ learning ideas that integrate content standards. There are limitless possibilities when it comes to using these great learning tools in the classroom. Talk to your colleagues and get their first-hand feedback on this awesome learning experience. Lesson plan tools here. Multi-page lesson plan and curriculum ideas.

VR Technology.  Space is limited for this opportunity (during this timeframe). I will be on each site for 2 days (10 days total). If you receive an email from me, please respond in a timely fashion. This helps me solidify the calendar in a timely fashion. I’ll work with 35+ teachers during these sessions. Poke your head into the lab when it comes your way, and try it out if you are interested.

For VR, we use Google Expeditions. Google Expeditions has over 900 learning opportunities in this great app.  The respiratory system. Historical sites.  Great Wall of China. Underwater scenes. International Space Station. College campuses. Landforms. Visiting a farm. Visiting a pool for swimming lessons. The day in the life of  a surgeon. Shakespeare. Nine hundred. I won’t list them here. Check the list out for yourself (see that link). My website houses more tools associated with this learning tool. Find the drop-down menu at the top. Or, locate the Workshops tab. You’ll find the teaching slides there.

Minecraft Training
. Yes, this is educational. Geography. Science. Math. Tons of learning. Email me by Tuesday, February 11 if you are interested.  Space is limited.  I have three teachers signed up already.  March 3 and March 4. We’re at the Technology Service Center (district office).  A team from Minecraft will host the training. Your sub is paid for. It will happen during the school day. Limited spots available. Lunch is paid for. First come, first served.

The software is practically ready-to-go on LENOVO student laptops. We just download (for free) and go. 

Image credit here.

Stay curious,
Melissa Culver