Monday, July 27, 2020

Distance Learning Gems – Week 00

CN Area Elementary Teaching Team:

Week 00 (July 27 – July 31)

Weekly Giggles:        What time is it when the clock strikes 13?
Time to get a new clock.


Yes, it is still vacation. You can totally ignore this. It is not important at all. If you are curious or interested, then feel free to explore the content in this email/blog.

I only want to highlight a few ideas in this blog. I want to keep it simple. If you wish to email this week to request more YouTube content, feel free to do so. I will add it to my queue to see what I can get to over the next few weeks. Technically, I’m still on vacation too. But, I also know that we all want to be prepared for the weeks ahead.

Short story: As a first-time mom (back in 2002), my mother told me, “She (our new baby) isn’t quite sure how any of this works either. You’re in the same boat. You’ll figure it out together.” We’re in a totally different situation, but I feel like this same advice applies. Your students have never been in THIS grade before. And, they have never done this grade with YOU. So, you’re both new to the same thing, together. My word of pause is this: “It’s okay to be nervous together. And, you’ll figure it out together.”

With that being said, here are a few tools to consider:

What are some potential teaching expectations for Week 01 given that this is a Distance Learning environment? This video may be helpful. In my opinion, you probably won’t have robust teaching expectations for Week 01. Families may be navigating new tools, new Wi-Fi, new router. Families may need to pick up materials from the classroom. You have no idea who these kids are. You’ll want to work on getting to know everyone. So, here’s that VIDEO LINK:

What do assessments look like? For now, here is one strategy to consider. This is the strategy that some of the summer school staff used. Watch as I explain one solution to at-home assessments. Is it perfect? No. Kids can still use their cellphones. Someone can stand behind the computer. Can a child open an additional tab and research online content? Yes, I know this. But, for now, it’s a potential deterrent. VIDEO LINK HERE.

Bitmoji Classroom. Do you want to set up a graphic-based learning environment where students can click on the tools they need each week? Here is a tool that may interest you. IF THIS IS NOT YOUR JAM, please avoid it. Do not fall into the pit that says, “Everyone is doing it. You’re not a cool teacher if you aren’t doing this.” Your special spark. Do you. Whatever your awesome is, bring that. I only put this in here if you find it interesting. And, if you cannot find this later, you can find it in my Distance Learning Playlist in my YouTube channel. Video link HERE.

Google Classroom
. Feel free to archive any old classrooms if that is helpful for you. And, ALWAYS START the year with a NEW Google Classroom. If you need help with that, you can head to this video for more help. Some buttons may look different, but for the most part, it should be the same process. Video LINK HERE.

Are you a K-2 teacher? Are you interested in Seesaw? I do not know if the district will pick up that cost. But, I know some of you have reached out to ask me questions. There are two videos in my Distance Learning Playlist that are specific to Seesaw. Or, you can find the PreK-2 teaching VIDEO LINK HERE. Our students would access this via Clever.

Feel free to disengage from all things school. Head back to that good book or those documentaries in Amazon Prime. This can wait for another week or two.

Thankful for you,
Melissa Culver

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